- We need to cut sales taxes and regulations that hurt Vermont small businesses and farms. We must restore fiscal responsibility to state government and be more competitive with neighboring states.
- Small development projects should be exempt from ACT250 and the permitting process must be streamlined.
- Small businesses and farms need easier, faster and more flexible financing options through our revolving loan funds.
- Fix our roads and bridges. Fill the potholes! Vermont Agency of Transportation and contractors have made progress on many roads and bridges but, much more needs to be done.
- Expand cell and internet service.
- Promote new markets for Vermont made products.
We all want a clean environment but, we differ on how to achieve this. I prefer a more pragmatic approach and a lot more common sense.
- No Carbon Tax Schemes! Let’s not raise the cost of heating your home and/or driving to work. How about we focus on government buildings and fleets first?
- We can encourage fuel efficiency, weatherization and park & rides.
- Support renewable energy projects when properly sited. We should produce as much of our own energy as possible right here in Vermont.
- Separate our city sewer and storm water systems. We must stop dumping millions of gallons of sewage into our rivers and lakes.
- Let’s do more to keep cancer causing chemicals out of our food and consumer goods.
We must take the market away from the drug dealers and expand the Vermont State Police led Intelligence Based Policing Program. How do we take the market away you may ask?
- Educate our kids about drugs through the LEAD (Law Enforcement Against Drugs) program. This replaces DARE and is based on statistical data and more interactive with the kids.
- Vermont needs a secure rehab facility that could be used as a diversion program saving court costs. Once an addict is checked in, they cannot check themselves out while detoxing. They get counseling and job training while working within the facility.
- We need to fund & support law enforcement. I’d give the highest priority to the VSP major crime unit, drug task force, and crime lab.
- We need to end our system of catch and release of criminals. It only works for fishing!
- I will fight for victims’ rights!
- Support our hard-working dedicated teachers & their pensions.
- Support preschool
- For school lunches. No child should go hungry.
- Technical education. We need to prepare our kids for careers in technical fields too.
- Expand school choice. Some kids will do better in one school vs. another.
- Increase aid for low income college students.
- Cost growth could be better controlled by requiring school budgets be passed by Australian ballot instead of voice votes.
To provide the very best health care at the lowest cost we need choice and competition. Let the free markets work!
- Patients want to choose their doctors and have coverage for pre-existing conditions.
- Insurance choice. Vermonters should be able to choose between private insurance, Health Savings Accounts or buy into Green Mountain Care. We should consider allowing more insurance purchases across state lines.
- Hospitals should post the prices of major procedures so patients can choose the best price and service.
- Support the re-importation of lower cost prescription drugs from Canada.
- Support more organic and natural therapies and remedies.
Vermont farmers have been hard hit with declining prices and increased costs for decades. Some have survived by diversifying into other ag products or going organic. More needs to be done to help them or we will lose many more.
- Expand our dairy and meat processing capacity within Vermont.
- Support the Hemp growers and processors.
- Promote Vermont-made Ag products in regional, national, and international markets. Drink Milk!
- Support tax relief for food-producing farms through current use and/or income tax credits.
I support the 2nd amendment. I’ve hunted & fished here in Vermont since I was very young and I want to see those traditions preserved for future generations. I do not support further restrictions on law abiding citizens. If someone were to break into your home and intends harm in the early morning hours when most law enforcement is off duty, it could take an hour or more for an officer to arrive in many small towns. You must be able to defend yourself and your family!